Fairfax Parents call out a ‘public charade’ and ‘dereliction of duty’ when Superintendent says, “Buck stops with me.”

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The typical high school gridiron rivalry was replaced by a dramatic showdown on a cold Thursday night at Luther Jackson Middle School. This time, however, parents, students, and coaches from competing schools came together to demand accountability, transparency, and an apology from Fairfax County Public Schools superintendent Michelle Reid over the mishandling a football recruiting scandal, which is being described as Virginia’s worst high-school sports controversy.

Reid, who took her turn on the podium almost three hours after the meeting began, told the parents, coaches and citizens packed in the auditorium that “the buck stops here.”

Reid apologized for the public outrage she has faced over the past six months and last night’s 12-0 vote against her. The “noncompliance” of her leadership during Hayfield scandal was cited as a reason.

Nine school board members made a dramatic 180-degree turn, joining three others in August who supported a “resolution calling for an external, independent investigation by an outside law office” and approved last night the authorization of the inquiry, 12-0. Mateo Dunne, a member of the school board, introduced the resolution in August. Ricardy Anderson and Ryan McElveen backed it then. Legal experts estimate that the taxpayers could be forced to pay at least $200,000 for the investigation – the salary of four new educators.

The superintendent’s apology came after a series of staccato reprimands, as parents took their two-minute allotment to express their frustration, anger, and demand an external investigation, a public apology, and other reforms.

Anderson spoke to Fairfax High School parents during a short break and asked them what they were thinking. “Well, how long did it take her to say that?”

“Dereliction of Duty,'” ‘Betrayal”

The “community involvement” section of the agenda began at 7:53 pm. Daren Krellwitz stepped up to the podium and stated bluntly that the obfuscation used by district officials is a “betrayal which destroyed the community’s trust in FCPS leadership.” Hayfield’s Parents won a temporary order against a two-year ban on playoffs by the Virginia High School League.

Reid and the board members looked him and the other speakers with a flat expression, and Krellwitz replied, “Apologize to irreparably degrade the rites-of-passage of FCPS athletes in the Class of 2025.”

He said, “This is at best a demonstration indifference, and at worst a dereliction duty.”

Speakers continued to address the board inside, highlighting systemic failings and demanding that Reid apologize for the lack oversight and the delayed response to allegations of recruitment violations, and ineligible player.

Gayle Hanlon of Fairfax County, speaking on behalf of a coalition of thousands community members, called out the Superintendent and school officials’ “completely dismissive response” to the recruitment violations. She said, “We expect consequences from those found to have violated the rules as well as for those who failed to act.”

Hanlon described the district’s response as “a practice in avoidance.”

“Winning at any cost”

Lauren Geraghty, a resident of the area, said at 8:08 pm, “The scandal surrounding football has exposed a system which values winning and power no matter what. Reid has stated that she will create trust through action. “But the only actions that we have seen have been defensive, self-protective and dishonest.”

She added, “Instead avoiding responsibility for the current crises. It is time to do an external investigation into the events. This crisis is the result of headlines, and results are available for all. We want to teach our children how to take responsibility for their mistakes and to understand the importance of fixing harm caused by them.

“A healthy society is healing in an oppressive world.” It’s a way to energize resistance. The school community can transform. Teachers and students can find a safe place to learn, imagine and create. Our leaders do not promote this kind of community. They promote fear and retaliation. “We are disappointed and will hold you responsible with our votes.”

Jamie Maltese’s father, the father of an Fairfax High School football player, spoke up minutes later at 8:11 pm. He said, “Superintendent Reid must apologize publicly to all those who took part in scholastic competitions this year. This includes players, parents and coaches as well as sports staff. They were forced to take part in unfair contests due to her failure to stop a program that was clearly in violation. This created a demoralizing environment for students.

Anna Smith, the mother of a Fairfax High School football and basketball player, reiterated the call for accountability. She told the board that “there has been a demonstrated lack of integrity and good sportsmanship.”

She continued, “This isn’t just a game.” It’s all about sportsmanship and integrity. This issue is not just about athletics. This is about instilling the values that we want in our students. Fairness, accountability and respect for rules. FCPS must affirm its commitment to these core values.”

“Buck stops with you…I’m sorry” – a public charade

Reid spoke just before 10 p.m. She made an unusual turn to the parents of Fairfax High School football players, who were sitting in the fourth, fifth, and third rows behind her. “I appreciate the community coming out tonight and sharing concerns. They are thoughtful and forthright with their comments.” It’s very important.

“I am here to serve my community.” As the leader of a large and complex school division that is a huge responsibility. “I’m taking responsibility for everything that happens in this division,” said she.

She cited statistics. The school district had 3,700 high school transfer students annually. 400 of its 15,000 athletes were athletic transfers. She stated that, “to date, there is only one employee who monitors the residency in this area.” But in this case, it was not about the residency, but whether Hayfield officials were engaged in “proselytizing or recruitment” to build the football team.

Reid said, “I’m sorry for every athlete who’s been negatively affected by this situation. I’m also responsible, as I’m the one in charge of the situation.” He was looking at the Board. “Every coach who’s been affected. Each family member, every fan and member of the community. This will not happen again under my watch. “It’s not going to be repeated.”

Reid denied any wrongdoing for months in the Hayfield Football Scandal. In an email sent on Nov. 20, Reid called the reporting of the scandal “disinformation”. The message in the email of Nov. 20, according to several parents, was an example of Reid’s denial of and deflection from well-documented issues.

Reid’s position changed dramatically after The Fairfax County Times published on November 24 a series text messages between Hayfield’s Athletic Director Monty Fritts, and a local football coach, that revealed a deliberate plan for students to be transferred to Hayfield to play the sport, including exploiting the McKinney/Vento Homeless Aid Act of 1987 which allows automatic transfers of homeless students.

The coach told Reid six days prior to the meeting at Gatehouse Road’s school district headquarters on Nov. 19. Reid released the statement on November 20 defending Hayfield’s program, and allowed Hayfield to defeat Edison High School by 75-7 in the state playoffs first round on Nov. 21, despite the revelations. Critics claimed that Reid only acted to remove Hayfield from the state playoffs on November 25 after revelations rendered denial impossible. They called it a reaction to being caught, rather than an effort to accept accountability.

Stephanie Moumen, the mother of four children in the fifth row behind the Fairfax High School students, was shaking her head while typing her reflections onto her laptop. Reid had also spoken about the progress made in hiring foreign teachers and other data. How can anyone trust the data presented by Supervisor Reid and the Board when most of the board members (excluding Dunne) have ignored or disregarded the data that was uncovered in Hayfield controversy since last spring? The information about what the Hayfield athletic director and head football coach said was not nice, so it was suppressed. “My impression is that it was a public show.”

“Mama Bear” stands her ground

Ruby Beckwith, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, a Hayfield mother came to the meeting of the board to ask if Reid was going to take responsibility for the ripple effects of the scandal, such as her middle son who quit the Hayfield Football team in the spring, after the rush to transfer players had left them depressed and discouraged. Beckwith, as reported, was the first whistleblower to report concerns about the football team’s shenanigans in late February.

She called her son, who was a Hayfield Football mother, “disgusting,” a “tattletale,” and “nasty” when she spoke to the local media at the event.

In February, Hayfield principal Darin Thompson announced that he and Fritts had hired Darryl Overton as a new coach. Overton led the Freedom High School Football team in Prince William County, a neighboring county, to two state championships. Virginia High School League rules prohibit public schools from “proselytizing” and do not allow students to change schools for athletic purposes.

Overton’s arrival at Hayfield in Alexandria was followed by a rush of new football players from Freedom, other schools in the area, and DeMatha Catholic High School.

Beckwith sat at the back of the room and listened as Deanna Dougherty, a middle school English teacher in Hayfield, spoke to parents who were part of the current Hayfield football team. She said that she was speaking for the parents of the current Hayfield football team, which included many new transfers from Overton.

Dougherty, in her two-minute speech, compared the Hayfield Hawks football squad of this year to the winning T.C. football team featured in the film “Remember the Titans.” Williams High School, Alexandria.

Dougherty asked: “What side are you on?”

She claimed that critics were angry that Black families moved to Hayfield. Beckwith’s own son, as well as the sons of Regina Dorsey and another whistleblower were among those displaced and demoralized.

Dougherty said, “The facts are that thirteen African American families have moved to the Hayfield District and Fairfax County Public Schools has validated all players meet residency requirements.” The Virginia High School League confirmed that all of these players, except for three, met eligibility requirements. These three players have never played.”

She claimed that players and their families had received “racial slurs and threats on social media,” as well as “verbal and physically abusive threats on the field.” A playoff ban was based on “inaccuracies, and lies.”

Beckwith, who was seated in the back row of the auditorium, listened to Doherty politely. But when they met outside, at the entrance to the school, she said, “What you stated up there is not accurate.” She told Doherty that “what you said up there was not accurate.”

Doherty replied, pulling out her own speech: “These facts I found myself.”

Beckwith replied, “The facts I’m talking are facts that happened with my children,” she said. Her son was among the 19 children who left the team, when Overton came.

Doherty replied, “I respect you as a mom who must be a mama-bear and watch out for her children. I do, too.”

Doherty then spoke directly to her son, a young teenager, saying, “She is being a mother.” Do not be embarrassed.

Beckwith’s young son replied, “I am embarrassed by you.”

Doherty responded, “Oh, OK,” and then turned left.

A lesson on ‘upstanders’ for students

Malek Rashad (15), a freshman footballer at Fairfax High School, sat in the fourth row at his very first board meeting. As the scandal was brewing, Trey Taylor had talked to him and his teammates about the integrity issues at play in this case. Now, his coach sat across the row.

Rashad sat with his mother Nancy Moustafa whose parents had immigrated from Egypt to the U.S. She was shocked that the school district failed to follow the basic elements of the law, as her son was the very first member of their family to play football.

Her son tried to understand why the school district officials got into this mess.

Rashad: “I was puzzled as to how this scandal happened in Fairfax County.” “That is not Fairfax County,” Rashad said. Children in Fairfax County are more likely to attend neighborhood schools and not transfer between schools because of athletics.

It’s not a good idea for a coach just to bring in a group of kids and have them play together. Rashad stated that it is not enjoyable to play these kids, nor for them.

He explained that he had learned from real life lessons about how to be an “upstander”, rather than a spectator, when someone sees something wrong in society. The lesson is taught in elementary schools of Fairfax County Public Schools.

Moustafa, listening to her son, said “This isn’t just about football.”

9 members of the board who did not support an investigation in August

The evening was an embarrassing turnabout for most board members. In August, they had voted against Dunne’s motion, which McElveen, Anderson, and others supported, requiring an outside review. Marcia St. John Cunning, who represents Hayfield in the school board, was among those to vote against Dunne’s request for an external review.

In August, a few members of the school board were quick to minimize the problem. Instead of launching an official investigation or confronting community concerns directly, several members dismissed these allegations as being overblown or political motivated.

A board member claimed that the incident was isolated and did not warrant a more thorough investigation. These excuses have only increased the frustration of parents and football advocates with the beginning of the season.

Even though Dunne McElveen and Anderson argued that there was evidence of recruitment violations, the majority refused to listen. They did not take any action. The majority of the board’s excuses, and Reid’s approval of Hayfield football, reinforced for many community members the impression that district leadership was focused more on damage control rather than fixing the systemic problems that led to the scandal.

St. John Cunning, with her eyes downcast and reading the document in front of the dais, introduced a resolution at 10:21 p.m. “I move the school district to engage an outside law firm to conduct a thorough and independent review for all student athletes and eligibility practices across all FCPS high schools, beginning with a review Hayfield Secondary School, and report the findings to the board of education and superintendent.”

The motion was seconded by Board member Kyle McDaniel. McDaniel also voted against August’s resolution.

St. John Cunning read an excerpt from a document. She continued, “The Hayfield Football situation has raised concerns in the community about the treatment and fairness of student-athletes who adhere to the VHSL Rules, the clarity of the VHSL Rules, as well as sportsmanship.” We acknowledge and apologize for the recent events which have undermined trust in our community. These have also had a direct and collateral impact on students, staff, families and FCPS across the board, including Hayfield. We accept full responsibility as leaders of the system and recognize that FCPS is responsible for ensuring fairness in competition and sports.

She stated that the Hayfield scandal highlights a “systemic problem”.

This time the motion to have an independent law firm investigate the matter was approved by a vote of 12-0.

“Meltdown Melanie” shames board members

The evening took a new turn when Dunne and McElveen tried to improve the language used in the investigation. For example, they wanted the final report to include recommendations, not just findings.

Many board members used the opportunity to refocus the narrative and shame Dunne for his efforts. Melanie Meren, who is known as “Meltdown Melanie,” for her public displays of irritation and her outbursts in private, was seen rolling her eyes when Dunne and McElveen proposed language that would strengthen the Hayfield probe and give student journalists more rights. Meren didn’t return a request for comment.

Meren tried to criticize McElveen, Dunne and their “model” of behavior and “lack self-awareness” at 11:29 pm.

She said sarcastically: “I mean, do we need to talk about the athletic fields, and their quality?”

“It was like gaslighting,” a parent said. Instead of addressing their real concerns, how the district allowed it to happen for months, they turned the tables and made it all about scolding colleagues who wanted the superintendent to be held accountable. They also celebrated the superintendent for issuing a apology that she would not have had to issue if she did her job effectively and allowed the illegal transfer. This is not accountability, it’s deflection.”

The meeting ended at 1:05 am, after the parents, students, and coaches had left. Only the 12 members of the school board, the superintendent and about 20 other people remained in the auditorium. They were left to restore the trust that was eroded.

One person shouted “Good Job, Team” as others grabbed their Coke cans and potato chip bags to shuffle along the stage of the auditorium and exit through the back doors to their cars parked in the lot.

Watching “blatant corruption” from home

Beckwith, back at home in her own country, said that she was not convinced by Reid’s apology or those of the school board members who are now changing their course.

Beckwith stated, “An apology would be great. Now stand up for business and launch a legitimate external investigation.” “Accountability and integrity are cornerstones to success. What the taxpayers get from her is blatant corrupting–anything other than accountability, integrity and transparency.”

Two weeks ago, the school board approved Reid’s contract renewal as well as her salary increase. Beckwith said, “She does not deserve the $420,000 salary.” “She must step down and impeachment proceedings should be conducted for other board members who have repeatedly shifted the blame.”

Beckwith’s stakes are very clear. The district’s inaction not only undermines the trust of taxpayers, but it also sends out a message that is dangerous to students: accountability is optional. Her comments echo the growing sentiment among community members and parents that change must start at the top.

Beckwith, who was losing faith in Hayfield’s leaders, pulled her son out of school this week to homeschool. He was taking notes at the school board meeting as a real-time civics lesson played out before him.


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FairfaxGOP originally wrote this and published it as Fairfax Parents call out a 'public charade' and 'dereliction of duty' when Superintendent says, "Buck stops with me."

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The Operation FREE partnership of over 175 state, local and federal agencies is a revolutionary fentanyl fighting collaboration strategy  

By massive margins, voters in eight states say only citizens can vote in their elections

As divided as America may be, this election showed there’s one thing most Americans agree on: Only U.S. citizens should vote in U.S. elections. 

Virginia Invests Additional $290 Million to Further Support School Construction and Modernization

Governor Glenn Youngkin has announced an additional $290 million budget investment to further support school construction and modernization across the Commonwealth, bringing the total amount invested in the current biennium to $700 million

Virginia Education Press Needs intensive Support

You can forget about any humility you might have expected after the Virginia education media falsely claimed for months that 70+ Virginia schools would fall into the bottom two summative categories of the new accountability systems

Court rules that Fairfax County Public School pronouns and bathroom policies violate constitutional rights of students

WASHINGTON Today, the Fairfax County Circuit Court handed down a landmark ruling in America...

Republican Senator Introduces Federal Ban on Mutilating Trans Procedures for Children

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., introduced legislation on Wednesday that would federally ban mutilating transgender procedures for children and punish so-called “physicians” who perform such procedures.

STOP Massive Park Fee increases in Fairfax County!

Increase in Recreation Center Fees for Families: 32% Camping, pavilions and picnic areas: an increase of 30%+ Golf Fees: Increase of up to 20% Increase in Golf and Room Rentals: 25% (effective 2025).

Fairfax County Gov Buys a Hotel for $2.5 Million OVER its Appraised Value

With a difficult FY 2026 budget forecast on the horizon, the Board voted 9 to 1 to purchase a former hotel property as a potential shelter for 20 percent ($2.5M) over its appraised value and 300 percent ($9.5M) over its assessed value.

$581,607 in Matching Grant Funds to 108 Local Tourism Programs

This funding program is designed to leverage local marketing dollars with matching state funds to increase visitation and traveler spending in the off-season.

Gov. Youngkin Announces Executive Order To Protect Children From Social Media

Executive Order 43 (also known as Empowering and supporting parents to protect their children from addictive social media and Establishing the Reclaiming Childhood Task Force) aims to address the mental health crisis among Virginia youth by providing resources for parents, educators, and healthcare providers.

Fairfax County Projects A Budget Disaster

Fairfax County’s budget forecast for FY2026 shows a shortfall of $292.7 millions due to falling office property values and rising employee compensation.

Jason Miyares, Virginia AG Calls On Fairfax County CA Steve Descano To Resign After Herndon Rape Case

This comes after Herndon police said 31-year-old Denis Humberto Navarette Romero raped a woman on the popular W&OD trail in Herndon.

Loudoun County School Board member serves as election official, purportedly violating state law

Democratic School Board member Anne Donohue (At-Large) has allegedly broken a state law when she served as an election official on Nov. 5 at Independence High School in Ashburn.


Tumay Harding dominated a crowded field of six candidates to win the Republican primary for the Virginia Senate District 32 seat.  Tumay, with endorsements from Sheriff Mike Chapman, former Virginia congressman Dick Black, and former state delegate Bob Marshall, won 64% of the votes.


On Monday, November 18, Ram Venkatachalam won a close election for the Republican nomination for House of Delegates District 26.  The election took place at a Republican Mass Meeting of the 26th District called by Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee, Scott Pio.

Mexican Cartel Tren de Aragua is Operating Virginia

The memo said that the arrival of Tren de Aragua in the nation's capitol and in nearby Virginia coincided "with an increase in migrant population" in those areas.

36 Virginia’s Sanctuary Cities and Counties Top the Charts: Study

The Center for Immigration Studies, an immigration policy think tank, released on Thursday its updated map of American refuge locations. It revealed a surge of localities in Virginia adopting sanctuary status.

Virginia Planned Parenthood Caught Selling ‘Viable’ Fetuses To University Of California San Diego

Planned Parenthood has been providing “viable nonanomalous” babies killed in “elective abortions” to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for experimentation, according to a new report.

A Democrat X-Rated Porn Book Removed From Fairfax County, Virginia Schools

After the book was removed quietly from the school library, a Virginia mother who spoke out publicly against the inclusion in Fairfax County Public Schools of a "adult-themed", LGBTQ graphic novel has declared "victory".

Virginia Parents to Protect Children from Addictive Social Media

Governor Glenn Youngkin today issued Executive Order 43, Empowering and Supporting Parents to Protect Their Children from Addictive Social Media & Establishment of the Reclaiming Childhood Task Force, to tackle a critical aspect of Virginia’s youth mental health crisis, the unrestricted use of cell phones and addictive social media platforms.  

Governor Glenn Youngkin Celebrates 2024 Volunteerism & Community Service Awards Honorees

Governor Glenn Youngkin announced the ten honorees in the 2024 Governor’s Volunteerism & Community Service Awards during a ceremony at the Executive Mansion. The annual awards program spotlights the outstanding volunteer efforts of individuals, organizations, and businesses, on behalf of Virginians across the Commonwealth. 

Kannan Srinivasan, Democrat Faces Criticism for Strategic Moves to Senate District 32

Kannan Srinivasan, a Democratic candidate for Senate District 32, has drawn sharp criticism for his pattern of relocating to position himself for political office. Within the last year, Srinivasan has made two residential moves to align himself with districts where he believes he has the best chance of winning—a strategy opponents argue raises questions about his commitment to representing the interests of local constituents.

Selfish LCPS Pursuing Politically Driven School Renaming Instead of Academic Excellence and Better Facilities

In 2020, Loudoun County Public School Board contracted with a private firm to review...

Attorney General Jason Miyares Announces His Run For Re-Election

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares has officially declared his intention to run for re-election in 2025, reaffirming his commitment to serving the Commonwealth[1][4]. In a statement released on Monday, November 18, Miyares emphasized his dedication to public safety and his track record of keeping Virginians safe[1].

Virginia Sees Low Unemployment Across the Commonwealth

Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced that according to BLS Local Area Unemployment Statistics (“LAUS”, or “the household survey”), the labor force increased by 3,649 to 4,575,255 and Virginia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in October remained unchanged at 2.9 percent, which is 0.1 percentage points below the rate from a year ago. Job growth for the month was mixed, with BLS reporting a slight increase of 1,404 more employed residents, and nonfarm payroll a slight decrease of 3,000. 

School Choice Programs that Democrats HATE Have SAVED Taxpayers up to $45 Billion

Democrat lawmakers employ fear tactics claiming school choice will bankrupt their states. It’s a massive lie, and they know it. As a recent Wall Street Journal report notes, school choice programs provide enormous savings for a state’s budget — savings to the tune of millions of dollars each year.

Fairfax County School Board Sold China A Handbook On ‘How To Clone’ America’s Top STEM School

“They will pay $1M in exchange for help in getting their schools up and running in China”

Press Release: Ram Venkatachalam Wins Republican Primary for Virginia House of Delegates District 26

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, NOV 18, 2024 – On Monday, November 18, Ram Venkatachalam won...

Recent Crimes Again Raise Concerns About Fairfax County’s Sanctuary Policy

A Fairfax County policy called “the Trust Policy” may be putting county citizens at risk as it protects those in the country unlawfully. 

Democrat Virginia House Panel Advances Constitutional Amendment On the Killing of Babies

Under current Virginia law, third-trimester abortions require approval from three doctors. The new amendment would reduce this requirement to just one doctor when a late-term abortion is deemed necessary to protect the life of the pregnant individual, or their physical or mental health, or when a physician determines the fetus is not viable.

Tumay Harding Wins Republican Primary for Virginia Senate District 32

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, NOV 18, 2024 – Tumay Harding dominated a crowded field of...

Is “We The People” an Illegal Front for the NEA to Influence School Board Races?

Sen. Tim Kaine’s wife, Anne Holton, admits the purpose of her “We The People” tax-exempt non-partisan organization is to help get like-minded candidates elected. Is that unlawful?

Democrats pushing Tysons Casino

The Tysons casino referendum bill that was held over to the 2025 session of the Virginia General Assembly will die on Monday, but that doesn’t mean the bill in some form or other won’t reappear in January.

Democrats Destroyed Thomas Jefferson Highschool

Last month, Ann Bonitatibus announced that she was resigning from her position as principal of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ), a magnet school located in Fairfax County, Virginia, the state’s largest school district.
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