Dear Editor,
Over the last few years, nearly every Democrat politician has made it clear they do not believe parents have a place in K-12 public education.
Parents who dared to speak at school board meetings were labeled racists and bigots, the FBI branded them domestic terrorists, and the NEA reminded us on their social media, “Educators love their students and know better than anyone what they need to learn and thrive.”
We know Terry McAuliffe agrees, and so does Suhas Subramanyam.
Mr. Subramanyam has repeatedly voted against any bill that includes parents in public education or gives parents choices in public education.
Sexually explicit, pornographic material is being used by leftist school administrators, teachers, and librarians to damage our children and drive a wedge between parents, and the child. The aim of this radical doctrine, or gender identity cult, is to confuse children before they are old enough to stabilize into traditional roles.
Politicians like Mr. Subramanyam will parrot the education line that these books are about protecting gay and lesbian students.
Actually, the reverse is true. The gender identity cult despises the fact that gay and lesbian individuals can live normal productive lives in America, and the cult despises anything that is normal.
Ask yourself why these kids are the primary targets to be permanently sterilized with dangerous drugs and surgeries.
The pornographic material Mr. Subramanyam favors in our schools teaches children that the norm is abnormal, that the idea of two genders is biologically wrong, or that you can be born in the wrong body.
The ultimate aim of the gender cult is to turn impressionable children into unhealthy, angry, resentful battering rams against anything traditional. How many times do we need to see abhorrent, hateful behavior on our college campuses to realize something is going seriously wrong with so many young people?
Mr. Subramanyam, and Democrat politicians like him, must be defeated this November.
Whether these politicians are aware of it or just ignorant to the fact, they are enabling an ideology that is about nothing more than division and intolerance, and the destruction of anything normal ,healthy or traditional. And they see the parent as the main obstacle to their political goals.
This is the reason I am personally endorsing Mike Clancy for US Congress.
Beth Hess
Chair, Loudoun County Chapter
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