In some states, you don’t need a photo ID in order to vote. Some states have election laws that are written by Idi Amin. Seven states allow voters to register on Election Day and cast their ballots that day without requiring photo identification.
It is called “Same-Day Registration” by its supporters. In reality, in Colorado, Connecticut Illinois, Maine, Maryland Montana and Vermont an illegal alien can show up to the polls on Election Day and register as a voter using a false name and address. They then cast their ballot. His vote will count even if he is eventually caught by police and election officials.
An article published in 2014 in the academic journal Electoral Studies, as well as analyses conducted by the nonpartisan group JustFacts , found that as many as 27 percent of noncitizens were illegally registered in the U.S. to vote for the 2008 election. Between 6.4 and 16.4 percent of these people cast a ballot. , 82 percent voted for Barack Obama.
By 2022, there will be 20 million non-citizens of voting age in the United States. If the 2008 numbers hold, that’s a potential 4.5 million illegal votes by non-citizens. In 2008, many states had adopted policies of same-day voter registration.
Restoration News reported on a similar situation that took place in Michigan. A Chinese student who was not a citizen of the United States registered and voted on the same day, during early voting. He used his student ID. even though he was caught, still counted . Imagine how much simpler it would be in states where non-citizens could vote on Election Day with only proof of their address.
Recent calls for same-day voter registration are a result of a strategy by leftists to increase the likelihood that Democrats will vote. Democrats have been using this strategy to bloat voter rolls for 20 years. Urban political machines can use this strategy to quickly get residents to the polls in an emergency and, if needed, to inflate voter rolls illegally.
Ballotpedia reports that 22 states allow same day registration. In contrast, 27 states don’t require to show a photo ID, while 15 other states require to present no ID. These seven states combine the worst of both.
Some states that offer same-day registration require extra vetting of same-day voters. New Mexico, Nevada, and do not require photo IDs for pre-registered voter but requires for same-day registration. Nevada does not accept passports or military IDs as acceptable photo IDs.
Minnesota’s “safety” is the most vulnerable: If a same day registrant cannot produce a photo identification, they can ask a registered voter in that precinct to vouch or a staff member of a residential facility. Is this trustworthy?
I have argued that states should provide an additional level of security by requiring all same-day registered voters to cast provisional votes. It would be a burden on the election staff, but in states that allow same day registration they give staff an excessive amount of time to count provisional votes. This can delay election results by weeks. This would add an extra layer of security, and stop non-citizens from voting.
This model is currently followed by California, and Virginia. Both states allow same-day voter registration. Neither requires photo identification. Both states count the votes of same-day voters as provisional ballots.
Maine does not require photo identification at this time, but there are grassroots efforts to change that. Rep. Laurel Libby (R-Auburn), stated that her conservative group, the Dinner Table, has collected more than 125,000 signatures last month. This is enough to place photo ID on the next election ballot. The Secretary of State must approve the signatures. In addition, absentee ballots would be required to submit a copy or ID number or a photo.
Getting the Democrat vote
The Left also promotes same-day voter registration because it can save their activists’ time and donors’ money. In 2005, leftist activists changed to focus on registering likely Democratic Voters rather than convincing independents. Since 2011, Democrat-aligned organizations have spent more than $6 billion on tax-free donations to target demographics who vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
Even though Democrat strategists prefer that every state adopt automatic voting registration (AVR), they feel same-day registration will be the best option for them. In states that offer same-day voter registration, Democrats and their activists don’t need to worry about registration deadlines. They can also encourage people from left-leaning backgrounds to vote whether or not they are registered.
This leftist strategy to artificially boost turnout damages the democratic process because it bloats the voter rolls and polls by people who are unwilling and uninformed. Many of these unwilling voters are also politically motivated by fearmongering about segments of fellow Americans, rather than actual political issues.
By requiring photo identification, you can create a more informed and intentional electorate.
This strategy is effective for Democrats, despite the damage it does to the country. 2014 data showed states with same-day registration–almost all Democrat-leaning–had higher turnout rates than states without it.
The Demos think tank and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a far-left university, found that states with same day registration had higher turnouts for blacks and Latinxs.
In 2007, when North Carolina implemented same-day early voting, it increased black voter participation by 95 percent. PBS reports that 35 percent of same day registrants were black, despite the fact that they only made up 22 percent of North Carolina’s electorate.
According to the George Soros-funded Democracy North Carolina , approximately 40,000 black first-time voters registered by using same-day registration. The state also had the highest voter increase in the nation over the 2004 elections.
Demos claims that same-day registration benefits young people, historically disenfranchised individuals, and recent migrants. Democracy North Carolina boasted of increasing early voting sites on college campuses. College students were another demographic who voted heavily for Obama. Early voting increased by more than twice as much from 2004.
All of these factors helped Obama win North Carolina in North Carolina with 15,000 votes or 0.3 per cent, the first time a Democrat has won that state since Jimmy Carter.
Many credited a high level of youth participation in the midterm elections of 2022 for preventing a red wave. The think tank at Tufts University noted that the states with the highest turnout of youth — Michigan, Minnesota, Maine and Oregon — had same-day registration. Only Oregon does not have same-day voting, while the other four states do. In all of those states, 18-29 year-olds accounted for more than 30 percent of votes, which is higher than the national midterm record of 28 percent set in 2018.
Efforts to Ensure Election Integrity Should not Rest
Even though Donald Trump won the vote of young men in 2024, it doesn’t mean that conservatives should disregard efforts to artificially increase the youth vote. Even with the younger, more educated voters, conservatives cannot compete until they take over public education and university, which produces Democratic propaganda, which only fades away as people age.
The same-day registration increases the number of voters who are lazy, incompetent, and even fraudulent. The potential for fraud is increased by not requiring photo ID and allowing same-day enrollment. Hopefully Congress will pass ACE Act to eliminate the need for states to negotiate these policies. Conservatives in states that allow same-day voter registration should fight to limit it as much as possible. They can follow the Virginia and California models, which count those votes as provisional and require photo ID for all same-day voters.
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This article first appeared on In Virginia, you can register to vote on election day without ID. Are Non-Citizens Voting?