The Potomac Falls High School newspaper, which is promoted on the school’s website, contains articles that attack Christians, Trump supporters, and Israel. April Chandler is the daughter of Loudoun County Board Member April Chandler and is the editor-in-chief of the student newspaper. She is also the author of the article “There is no Hate like Christian Love.” A second article claims falsely that Israel targeted children in Gaza, and compares Israel’s response to the brutal attack of October 7, 2023 with the Hunger Games. The student newspaper appears to be a government-funded propaganda machine.
Chandler’s daughter calls Trump a misogynist and a racist. She also claims that he is an islamophobe. The school website and newspaper, funded by taxpayers, published these unfounded libels. The author goes on to claim that voting for Trump would be “far from what Jesus stood for” and she then proceeds to interpret certain Bible verses in a way far outside of their original meaning. She claims, for example, that the verse “Thou shall love thy Neighbour as thyself”, means Christians should support abortion and open borders.
Misquoting Scripture to Make a Nonsensical Point
She then published a article a few days later, claiming that the Bible did not mention abortion. Perhaps she should have read the Ten Commandments. She also claims that Trump does not care about women’s rights and that those who voted him should be ashamed.
A student’s article , published in December 2023, repeats the false Hamas narrative claiming that Israel killed and targeted 6,000 Palestinian children. The author cited the Gaza Health Ministry , an organization under Hamas’ control, to support their claims. The article describes the Israeli response as “unproportionate,” a “genocide” and an “ethnic cleaning campaign” against Palestinians. This publication would be more suited to the pro-Hamas Al Jazeera channel than a school paper.
Restoration News spoke with the parent of Potomac Falls High’s student. He and another parent shared their concerns with Dr. Brandon Wolfe about the article entitled “There is no hate like Christian love.” They said that the article was “offensive and discriminatory” and “divides students”.
Wolfe responded that students could publish opinion pieces as long as the content aligned with district policies and regulations. The parent emphasized that Loudoun County Public Schools regulation 8030-3 mandates principals to investigate and take immediate action in the event of hate speech. Wolfe said to the parent that the students had not broken any rules. It’s interesting to wonder if Wolfe would have changed his opinion if the article had said, “There is no hatred like Palestinian love” or if Kamala Harris was referred to as wanting babies killed.
This is not just a case of libel and hatred sanctioned by the district. The Roar paper is also collecting subscription money. Restoration News contacted Dr. Wolfe to ask how the district spends these funds and if he agreed with the attacks on Christians and Israel in the newspaper. Wolfe has not yet responded as of the date this article was published.
Loudoun County Schools side with radicals
It is not the first instance that the Loudoun County Schools leadership has adopted a radical-leftist stance. Loudoun County Schools is clearly a far leftist apparatus that wants to silence conservatives. Recently, the school board chair cut off public comments when concerned parents raised in regards to an illegal immigrant student who had threatened to kill another child.
Loudoun County Schools needs to be reminded that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution covers all speech and not just their preferred political narratives.
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This article first appeared on April Chandler's Daughter Attacks Christians and Trump Voters - School Leaders Silent