Financial records show that public school teachers and other professionals in education who are more concerned with their profession than politics get a poor return from their union dues.
According to the latest figures for the 2020 election cycle, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers both sent about 99 percent of their contributions to Democrats. These funds were taken from the paychecks of their members to fund “progressive causes.”
A 2018 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court means that public-sector workers who don’t support the political agendas of the NEA or AFT will no longer be required to pay dues and fees to unions. Those who choose to remain union members are still funding left-wing politics.
Americans for Fair Treatment has compiled some interesting statistics to pique interest among union members. 98.1% of the NEA contributions totaling $3.3 millions went to Democrats for the 2020 election cycle.
The Republicans, on the other hand, received only $63,000 or 1.90 per cent of the NEA election expenditures.
AFT is no different. In the 2020 election cycle 99.9% of AFT contributions totaled $2.7 million.
But Republicans only received $2,800 or 0.10 percent, of AFT’s total election expenditure.
Supreme Court ruling a game changer?
The Supreme Court’s ruling in ,Janus v. AFSCME invalidating state laws requiring employees to pay dues and fees to unions could be a game changer. Teachers who chose not to join the union of their district still had to pay dues as nonmembers prior to this ruling. AFFT encourages educators to be more aware of the way their unions spend money for politics. AFFT offers a form for teachers who do not want to support their union’s politics.
There are signs that more teachers are voting by walking out of the classroom since the Supreme Court restored their free speech rights in 2018. AFFT estimates that NEA lost around 51,987 members based on union reports.
The NEA represents almost 3 million workers with affiliates located in all 50 states. The AFT represents about 1.5 million teachers and is the second-largest union in the United States behind the NEA. AFT is a member union of AFL-CIO which supports Democrats.
Restoration News reported that the amount of dues paid by teachers unions varies from state to state. However, most dues go to the NEA, its state affiliates, and only a small percentage goes to the local union.
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This article first appeared on National Education Association gives 99% of its political funding to Democrats