WASHINGTON D.C. Today, America First Legal requested that the U.S. Department of Education investigate five public school systems in northern Virginia — Alexandria City and Arlington County as well as Loudoun County and Prince William County – for violations of Title IX of The Higher Education Act of 1973, 20 U.S.C. SS1681 et seq. And President Trump’s Executive Order No. 14190 ” Ending Radical Indoctrination K-12 Schools.”
Title IX forbids schools from engaging unlawful sexism, including denying access to locker rooms, girls’ teams, bathrooms and other facilities to males that “identify as male”. Executive Order 14190 prevents federal funding from being given to schools that promote “social transition” or engage in similar conduct. This includes requiring students and staff to refer to gender expansive students by their preferred pronouns. Executive Order 14190 directs the Department of Education, to create a plan for protecting public school students and their parents through the Protection of Pupils’ Rights Amendment. enforcement of the PPRA has been a priority for AFL for a long time.
AFL’s allegations to support its request for an inquiry include:
Alexandria City Public Schools
Students who are uncomfortable with sharing facilities with someone from the opposite gender can use a single-user facility, but they risk a penalty at school if they do not minimize lost instructional time.
Arlington County Public Schools
In January 2025, the Arlington County Public Schools “Transgender Student in Schools” Policy required that “access to facilities which correspond to a students gender identity be made available to all children.” The policy was in effect when it was reported that a male sexual offender exposed himself to a nine-year-old girl in the girls’ locker room. The male sex offender used the girls’ locker rooms for months, claiming to be female.
Fairfax County Public Schools
Fairfax County Public Schools LGBTIA+ Resources mandates in the Guidance Document Regulated 2603.2 that “a gender-expansive student or a transgender person shall not be forced to use a restroom or locker room that is inconsistent with their gender identity, or to be restricted to a single-occupancy facility, private area or any other single-use facility.”
Loudoun County Public Schools
In Loudoun County Public Schools policy, it is stated that “students are allowed to use the [restrooms or locker rooms] which correspond to their consistently asserted sexual orientation.” regulation 8040 further defines “[g]ender identification” as “[a]n individual’s sense of identity as a girl/woman, boy/man, something in-between, or outside of the binary male/female.” The gender identity of an individual is a part of their identity. It can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth or the same.
Prince William County Public Schools
Transgender identity can be expressed in a variety of ways, including pronoun usage, mannerisms, and clothing. Transgender identities can be expressed in many ways. These include pronouns, clothing, and mannerisms.
Statement by Reed D. Rubinstein America First Legal Senior vice president:
Leftist public school teachers and administrators have, in the face of radical and divisive racial ideologies and gender ideology, abused American parent’s rights and catastrophically failed their children. The leftists have used tax dollars to create an echo chamber where students are forced into accepting these ideologies, without critical examination or questioning. Young men and women even question whether they are in the right body and whether their parents are to blame. The AFL has gained a powerful ally in the fight to protect children thanks to President Trump. Executive Order 14190 mandates that the Department of Education enforce the law and stop federal taxpayer funding for these destructive practices.
Ian Prior, America First legal Senior advisor:
The school districts of Northern Virginia are leading the charge against reality, science and law. They have rewritten the law in order to give preferential treatments to students who claim that they are ‘transgender,’ or a ‘gender-expansive’. If these districts continue to implement unlawful, ineffective and insane policies, then they should lose federal funding. Ian Prior said that President Trump made it clear that the lawlessness in these school districts had to stop. They must comply with the law, or suffer the consequences for their intransigence.
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