According to the Fauquier Times, Council is embroiled in litigation from a citizen lawsuit to block the Amazon project as well as a FOIA request for thousands of emails and documents. According to the Fauquier Times, the council is embroiled in litigation due to a citizen suit to block the Amazon Project as well as FOIA requests to release thousands emails and documents.
Council replaced its old town attorney with former state Senator Chap Petersen. The old New Deal Democrat was ousted by a new generation of “progressive Democrats”. Petersen’s recent autobiography “Rebel” shows that this new role suits him perfectly. He is still a fan of standing up for little guys …. despite being appalled at the progressives woke brand “social justice”. Especially when Dominion Energy is the big man.
The politics surrounding data centers is very interesting. There is nothing inherently pro-Republican or pro-Democrat about building Artificial Intelligence-enabling data centers. The tribal instincts that drive polarization seem to push the parties in opposite directions.
Data centers use enormous amounts of energy. The projected surge in demand for electricity is threatening to derail efforts towards a zero-carbon grid. Dominion, who once supported this goal, says that it must build natural gas facilities to compensate for the intermittent nature of wind and solar energy. Progressives align themselves with anti-datacenter protesters.
The fact that the two biggest data center users, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg, are getting along with Donald Trump offers Virginia progressives an opportunity to do three things: support net zero, fight global warming, and stick it to corruptocrats from Dominion Energy. They can also strike a blow at the new tech-bro Trump loving oligarchy. I expect Democrats to unite in their hatred of these new hate items.
We can then count on Republicans to support data centers, since every action has a corresponding or opposing reaction. Republicans now love Silicon Valley tech bros after years of berating them for their support for progressive causes. It would be great if the surge in demand for data centers forced Democrats to give up their net-zero dreams.
Expect more stupidity as partisanship on the data center issue becomes stronger. If “progressives”, who are determined to oppose data centers, decide that they will do so, their next illogical and logical step would be to declare themselves opposed to the source of the data center demand, namely Artificial Intelligence. Conservatives will gravitate towards the opposite. Tribal instincts will override any rational analysis of AI’s pros and cons.
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