You can transform your school by paying attention to the candidates running for local school boards and asking them about their real views.
Since decades, radical Democrats have controlled the government schools. The majority of voters don’t know that their school board member is on the ballot when they go to the polls. Many local elections do not allow a partisan designation on the ballot. This means that a conservative voter may unknowingly vote for a radical Democrat.
The school board decides who is hired to be a superintendent – say, Marxists – and what will be taught in the classrooms. The school board controls who is hired as a superintendent – say, Marxist activists – and what curriculum will be taught in classrooms (DEI or obscene sex education anyone?
You can save your education by paying attention to the candidates running in local school board races and asking them about their real views. Listen to the candidates’ soundbites, but also follow donations.
Thankfully, a few conservative organizations make this easier for parents, by vetting, and endorsing, top-notch school board candidates: Moms for America (Moms for Liberty), and 1776 Project PAC.
Do not assume that your school board will share your values just because you reside in an area marked “red”. Virginia Beach has a historically red city, and I served as a member of the local school board there for eight years. The district is the fourth largest in the state, and it has been dominated for years by Democrats. This could change in the coming year as many conservative candidates are running for six of the seats that will be up for election this November. This is only possible if parents and conservative grassroots groups are working to recruit quality candidates.
There are “tells” in states that are non-partisan, meaning candidates do not display their party affiliations on the ballot. Here’s an idea: If a candidate has the endorsement of the teachers’ union they will always be left-wing Democrats.
Local parties often endorse “nonpartisan” candidates. In Virginia Beach for instance, all the Democrat-backed candidates are radical. In a recent discussion on “gun violence”, several Democrat candidates for school boards publicly “booed” and “thumbs-down” the Second Amendment.
As a parent, you may be concerned about the safety of your children in school. Ask yourself this question: Will these candidates vote in favor of or to oppose armed guards at schools?
Watch for cues about “social justice”. Sharon Felton, an ex-Virginia Beach school board member who is running for reelection this year, after losing last time, stated in a forum she wants to make sure students cannot be expelled from school.
Sound odd? This “social justice policy” allows violent students to stay in school. In a nearby school district last year, a 6-year-old boy stabbed his teacher. The school had discipline issues with him in the past, but refused to expel. It nearly cost one teacher his life.
There’s also the “book-banning angle”. Jordyne Blise, a ” Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ” expert, is running for North Carolina Wake County School Board. Blaise asserts that racists are preventing schools from allowing books with LGBT and people of color. She fails to mention that the books have sexually explicit and graphic content, which would place them in the X-rated section in any bookstore.
According to the radical left, protecting small children from pornography constitutes bigotry. People who provide sexually explicit material to children should not be elected to school boards, but rather labeled as “groomers”.
Communists target children first. The control of the young minds can change a country into whatever the people in charge decide. You want Marxist Democrats to control the school board and teach our future leaders, or you want conservatives to teach children what thinks, not . Choose wisely by carefully examining the candidates for your local school board.
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This article first appeared on What to Look for in a School Board Candidate who claims to be a nonpartisan candidate