Virginia Democrats want to transform Virginia into California. Democrats have filed radical California-style bills in the 2025 session of the legislature, which began on January 8, . Democrats want to ban gas-powered vehicles, prohibit gun carrying in public spaces, fund universal preschools with taxpayer money, ban plastic bags and have abortion without restrictions enshrined into the Constitution. Republicans are fighting back.
Restoration News reported about a Virginia Democrat’s proposal which could be the biggest tax hike in Virginia’s history. More disconcerting legislation proposals would have Virginia’s founders turning in their graves. These are just a handful of radical Democrat bills.
HB 813–Del. Candi King – Adds language rejecting a parent’s access to the medical records of a minor if this request “would deter the minor from seeking treatment.” The bill also includes language allowing a minor’s informed consent to treatment for a mental disorder or emotional disorder. This legislation can be used to remove parents from the discussion about harmful gender transitioning.
HB 1657–Del. Rozia Henson – Prohibits removing names from voter registration systems, even for illegal aliens, within 90 days of an election.
HB 1662–Del. Michael Jones — Prohibits the sale or distribution of plastic bags at grocery stores.
HB 1679–Del. Laura Cohen — Requires that public school standardized test be available in the native languages of the child. There are over 240 different cultural backgrounds. The proposal is very expensive.
HB 1681–Del. Laura Cohen — Requires state agencies to ask for gender information with the option “X”, which stands for “unspecified gender identity or another gender identity”.
HB 1958–Del. Elizabeth Bennett-Parker–Requires every public K-12 school to provide breakfast at no cost to the student.
HJ 1–Del. Charniele Herring — A constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion. The bill makes it illegal to punish or prosecute anyone who helps or assists a woman to have an abortion, regardless of how far along the pregnancy is. There is NO requirement for parental consent or age restrictions!
SB740 –Sen. Mamie Locke — The Board of Medicine should require that all licensees complete continuing education on unconscious bias, cultural competency and how unconscious racial prejudice affects care in pregnancy and postpartum. ”
SB743 –Sen. Barbara Favola — This legislation would allow abortion doctors in Virginia distribute abortion drugs to other states that are illegal. Virginia would also not cooperate in extradition.
SB880 –Sen. Adam Ebbin — This sweeping antigun legislation would prohibit the carrying of nearly any rifle or shotgun in public, unless they are being used for hunting.
SB 971 –Sen. Aaron Rouse – Provides a tax credit to employers who hire felons such as murderers, child predators and rapists. However, no credit is provided for those who hire victims of felons. Rouse is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Governor.
Democrats in Virginia want to introduce socialist laws to increase government control of the lives Virginians. In November 2025, all members of the Virginia House of Delegates will be up for reelection. Democrats currently have only a single seat majority in the House and Senate. Republicans need to shine a light on the radical far-left policies of Virginia Democrats who threaten to transform the Commonwealth into California.
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This article first appeared on California is not the Commonwealth, Upcoming Democrat Legislation for 2025