According to Fox News, 4 million Venezuelans plan to leave after President Maduro stole the recent election. Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, stated on Fox and Friends, “We should be worried and it’s not just because people [Venezuelens] want to leave, it’s because this administration [the Biden/Harris administration] has set up the conditions where those people will be let in, even though they have to cross from seven other countries to get here.” He continues “The only reason Venezuelens started coming here in big numbers even before this fake election [in Venezuela] was because this administration is letting them go once they arrive. They get something out of it, so they pass through all these other countries in Central America and Mexico because they know they are going to be let go if they make it all the way here.”
In March 2021, President Biden put Harris in charge of the migrant crisis at the Southern Border. Biden stated, “I’ve asked her, the VP today because she’s the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico… and the other countries uh that help us, we’re going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks stemming the migration to our Southern Border.”
Following Biden’s announcement, Harris was dubbed by media as the “border czar.” Now three and half years and 10 million illegal aliens later, with another 4 million on their way, Harris has done nothing to address the root cause of migration or prevent it from happening.
Ten days ago, an illegal alien killed a mother of 4 and grandmother of 8 in Loudoun county. Jose Aguilar-Martinez, a 21-year-old male, stole 54-year old Melody Walldecker’s car and then ran her over. Murder, theft, rape, fentanyl, trafficking. How many more Americans, especially women and children, have to be abused or die at the hands of illegal aliens before VP Harris takes responsibility?
Enough is enough. The state of Virginia and our country cannot afford to see VP Harris become President Harris. American’s mothers and daughters are too precious to sacrifice to the liberal ideal that “no person is illegal.”
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