RVN Staff

Letter to the Editor: Suhas Subramanyam violates major medical positions and code of ethics by withholding school medical records from parents of minors

Dear Editor,I am writing in response to your article regarding Suhas Subramanyam’svotes against legislation that would allow parents to have access to theirchild’s health records at school. Subramanyam wants Virginia voters to violate major medical associationpositions and code of ethics by having school officials WITHHOLDhealthcare...

Subramanyam’s Unlimited Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment

Many Virginians may be unaware of how expansive Virginia’s abortion rights currently are.  Abortions are legal in Virginia up to 26 weeks and 6 days, the start of the third trimester of pregnancy. In fact, an abortion may even be legally performed after this timeframe when the...

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Reginald L. Underwood

Carolyn County Board of Supervisors - Reedy Church District

Floyd W. Thomas

Carolyn County Board of Supervisors - Mattaponi District

Kamala Harris Donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, Which Let Criminals Run Our Streets

Kamala Harris Donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, Which Let Criminals Run Our Streets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olRj4cE_aW8

Liam Watson, Democrat Blacksburg Town Councilman Charged with 4 Felonies

Specific charges have been outlined against a Blacksburg Town councilman accused of election fraud. In Montgomery...

Liam Watson

Elected to Blacksburg Town Council in 2023.

Suhas Subramanyam worked for Biden which let ALL the drugs cross our border @SuhasforVA

Suhas worked for the Biden administration. Suhas flaunts his work for the administration....

Sheriff Chapman Voted “Loudoun’s Favorites”

Loudoun Now’s annual list of “Loudoun’s Favorites” was released today and the Loudoun County...

Mike Chapman

Michael Chapman is a law enforcement executive who is the current sheriff of Loudoun...

Tim Kaine Skips Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress

Virginia Democrats have once again shown that they stand with Kamala Harris and radical...

Kamala Harris Supports Defunding the Police

Kamala Harris was one of the leaders of the Defund the Police Movement. She...

Kamala Harris believes 70% Tax Rate is a BOLD Idea

Kamala Harris believes 70% Tax Rate is a BOLD Idea. https://rumble.com/embed/v55wpst/?pub=14g222

Latest articles

Letter to the Editor: Suhas Subramanyam violates major medical positions and code of ethics by withholding school medical records from parents of minors

Dear Editor,I am writing in response to your article regarding Suhas Subramanyam’svotes against legislation...

Subramanyam’s Unlimited Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment

Many Virginians may be unaware of how expansive Virginia’s abortion rights currently are.  Abortions are...

Shalag U.S. to Create 52 More Jobs in Virginia Thanks to Governor Glenn Youngkin

RICHMOND, VA — Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced that Shalag U.S., Inc., a manufacturer...


In 2020, the Virginia Legislature passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) in a vote largely...