RVN Staff

Letter to the Editor: Suhas Subramanyam violates major medical positions and code of ethics by withholding school medical records from parents of minors

Dear Editor,I am writing in response to your article regarding Suhas Subramanyam’svotes against legislation that would allow parents to have access to theirchild’s health records at school. Subramanyam wants Virginia voters to violate major medical associationpositions and code of ethics by having school officials WITHHOLDhealthcare...

Subramanyam’s Unlimited Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment

Many Virginians may be unaware of how expansive Virginia’s abortion rights currently are.  Abortions are legal in Virginia up to 26 weeks and 6 days, the start of the third trimester of pregnancy. In fact, an abortion may even be legally performed after this timeframe when the...

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Democrat Suhas Subramanyam’s volunteers are waging war on Republicans with destruction of Property @SuhasforVA

If you weren't aware, when Republicans put up signs, the democrats destroy them. ...

Tim Walz Adds Tampons and Pads to the Boys Bathrooms and Locker Rooms

** Suhas Subramanyam who is running for the 10th District Congressional Seat supports tampons...

Tim Walz Pulled Over for Driving While Drunk and Charged with a DUI as a School Teacher

In newly unearthed court documents, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s 1995 arrest for driving under...

Suhas Subramanyam Voted to STOP Police Officers from Questioning Immigration Status @SuhasforVA

Suhas Subramanyam who is presently running for the 10th District Congressional Seat in Virginia...

Tim Walz Says there is NO guarantee of Free Speech

Maybe he hasn't read the first amendment. https://rumble.com/embed/v57r4g5/?pub=14g222 The 1st Amendment of the United States...

Tim Walz

Timothy James Walz (born April 6, 1964) is an American politician who has served...

Kamala Harris Explains Cloud Storage

Here’s Kamala Harris attempting to explain “cloud storage” Yes, this is real. No wonder...

Caroline County Board of Supervisors Seizing Farmland to Build Data Centers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCtxB84QqZA On June 18, the Caroline County Board of Supervisors unanimously decided to proceed with...

Jeffery M. Sili

Caroline County Board of Supervisors - Bowling Green DistrictPhone: 804-633-9084

Jeffrey S. Black

Board of SupervisorsCaroline County Board of Supervisors - Western Caroline DistrictPhone: 540-424-0264

Clayton T. Forehand

Carolyn County Board of Supervisors - Madison DistrictPhone: 804-314-3214

Nancy L. Long

Carolyn County Board of Supervisors - Port Royal District

Latest articles

Letter to the Editor: Suhas Subramanyam violates major medical positions and code of ethics by withholding school medical records from parents of minors

Dear Editor,I am writing in response to your article regarding Suhas Subramanyam’svotes against legislation...

Subramanyam’s Unlimited Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment

Many Virginians may be unaware of how expansive Virginia’s abortion rights currently are.  Abortions are...

Shalag U.S. to Create 52 More Jobs in Virginia Thanks to Governor Glenn Youngkin

RICHMOND, VA — Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced that Shalag U.S., Inc., a manufacturer...


In 2020, the Virginia Legislature passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) in a vote largely...